Hoax In Indonesian
Break the chain. Find the truth. Filter your emails. Check them before forwarding to your loved one, friends, families, or anyone else.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Seorang Wanita Philipina Membunuh Orang Lalu Memasak Dagingnya?

Sebuah email berisi beberapa gambar seorang wanita dan daging di kulkas, dan sebuah foto memperlihatkan bagian-bagian tubuh yang sudah dipotong2.

Isi email adalah seperti ini:
What kind of crazy people living in this world nowadays!!!

A young lady from the Southern Philippines has been killing people and kept their meat in her Refrigerator. She apparently enjoys eating human meat.

She also said that she had many dinner parties for her relatives and Friends and gave them this human meat to eat without them knowing it.

Her guests said that they found her cooking very good, but they did not know however what type of meat she was using. She is from the Philippines .

She also killed her own husband to get the meat. She was eventually arrested by the police. They found the grisly chopped body parts as pictures attached .
Status: Belum Diketahui

Penulis tidak dapat menemukan referensi resmi mengenai berita tersebut. Namun menurut pengamatan penulis, foto pertama dengan foto ke-2 dan ke-3 memberikan kesan diambil dari tempat dan kamera atau dalam event yang berbeda. Mungkin saja foto-fotonya benar, tapi ceritanya tidak benar.

Percayalah, di dunia ini masih banyak orang-orang yang baik hati dan tidak se-ekstrim sampai membunuh orang-orang untuk dijadikan masakan. Namun bila ada yang dapat menyediakan link resmi, thanks a lot yah :D

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